Burden of Disease series
How exactly does housing affect people's health?
This series by Healthy Housing CRE researchers explores—in plain English—the health and wellbeing impacts of our living conditions.
Our latest publication is on the health impact of living in a cold home.
The first and second publications in the series, 'The health impact of noise in the home' and 'The health impact of dampness and mould in the home' are available below as a PDF download.
Part 3: Cold homes and your health
The World Health Organization tells us that homes are cold when they are less than 18 degrees.
Homes in poor condition also cost more to heat.
Are you experiencing energy poverty?

Part 1: The health impact of noise in the home

Living with traffic noise is associated with worse self-reported mental health.
This first output from the Healthy Housing CRE Burden of Disease Series investigates:
What is environmental noise?
How environmental noise affects health
Inequalities in who is impacted
Current guidance
Research gaps
This is the start of a series that will translate the latest research findings on physical, social, cultural and economic aspects of housing that affect health.