The Healthy Housing CRE is a 5-year project funded by the NHMRC from 2020-2025. It involves over 20 researchers from across Australia and the world.
A quarter of Australia’s disease burden is comprised of cardiovascular disease, COPD, anxiety, depression, asthma, falls and injury. All such health issues have been at least partly attributed to housing. While other high-income countries have actively and successfully used housing to reduce their burden of disease, Australian policy and research has failed to bridge disciplinary silos.

We held a launch in April 2021. You can watch a 5-minute video about our agenda here.
Furthermore, housing interventions in Australia have only inadvertently improved health, missing the opportunity for evidenced based housing improvement for efficient health gain. Across the disciplinary boundaries, this innovative Centre of Research Excellence brings together the leaders capable of addressing these issues. It will be the first and only health-focussed Centre internationally to span healthy housing for Indigenous Australians, people in need and the growing population of rental housing tenants.

Through the collaboration and connections encapsulated in the Centre, this 5-year project will deliver new knowledge through three interconnected research streams that focus on housing over the life course, quantifying the health gains of housing focused interventions and measuring and responding to the complexity of exposure to housing.
The Centre for Research Excellence will leave a legacy of creating the right conditions to answer emerging questions in a timely way - clearly demonstrating the benefits of interdisciplinary applied research that is necessary for successful integrated knowledge translation (e.g. understanding the health benefits of improving public housing) whilst fostering the creation of the next generation of healthy housing researchers equipped with knowledge and partnerships to take the Centre’s research impact forward.

Healthy Housing CRE Chief Investigators. More information on our people page.
The Healthy Housing CRE is administered from The University of Melbourne in the Centre for Health Policy.
Learn more about the Centres of Research Excellence funding scheme.